Conducting a Great Phone or Skype Interview

With today's technological advances, it's no surprise that companies are adapting their recruiting efforts to new techniques. With mediated communication methods like Skype, a company in Los Angeles can interview a candidate on the East Coast with minimal effort, broadening their pool of candidates.

In order to stand out in a Skype or phone interview, a job candidate really needs to be on point -- it's easy to be distracted when you aren't in front of an interviewer, and even easier to have what you're saying become misconstrued because you can't physically see or send non-verbal cues (like eye contact) with the person you're speaking with.

The Wall Street Journal Careers section outlines some great tips for nailing a phone interview in this article. While it doesn't mention Skype, the same tips still apply -- hide distractions, ask questions, be honest.

What do you find works for phone interviews?

San Diego Career Fair! June 22, 2011!

Diverse Careers is returning to San Diego for another event!

The San Diego Career Fair will be held on June 22nd at the the Doubletree Hotel San Diego/Mission Valley.

The hotel is located at 7450 Hazard Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92108. Doors will open at 10 am, and the event will run until 2 pm.

We encourage job seekers and employers to participate. This recruiting event is open to everyone and is FREE to all job seekers. Job seekers may also search jobs and post their resume on prior to the event.

Companies are still registering for this event, but some of the sponsors and exhibitors include:
  • Aflac
  • American National Insurance
  • Bay Alarm
  • Farmers Insurance Platinum Elite
  • Independent Capital Management
  • New York Life
  • San Diego County Sheriff's Department
  • UC San Diego
  • Verizon Wireless
  • and many more!
Upcoming events include: Inland Empire, Orange County, and Los Angeles.

Employers and Recruiters interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at this event should contact Marcel Abandonato at (951) 479-1350 or

Employers and exhibitors may also find our registration form and testimonials on our website. For more information please visit
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